SPACE Lab Workshops in Local Schools, 2022-2023

Funded by the Science & Technology Facilities Council and Lewisham Creative Change.


Space Labs: Stars in your Eyes workshops

An important aspect of SPACE Lab were the workshops for young people in local schools developed by artist, educator, and creative technologist Jazmin Morris (right). She devised the “SPACE Labs: Stars in your Eyes” workshops through discussion with astrophysicist Dominic Galliano, and co-taught this with a selected team of graduates from University of the Arts London. All were experienced at working together with local communities at Tech Yard (UAL Creative Computing Institute) in Peckham.

The workshops took place in local school classrooms with full access to digital resources. They were delivered by artists and astrophysicists, engaging young people with an expanded exploration of asking and answering questions through creative computing and science. The workshops were co-delivered by artists and creative technologists Finn Weaver, Ana Marques, Julia Piekarczyk, and Nicola Rae, as well as astrophysicists Karel Green, Dominic Galliano and Ulrike Kuchner.

Our key partner for advice in developing communication with local schools was Jane Hendrie, LEAN (Lewisham Education Arts Network).



The images shown in the photographs below were created by the young people of Lewisham exploring 3D modelling alongside the UAL Tech Yard team. The team invited the young participants to design experimental exoplanets using Sculpt-GL after discussing the discovery and research of exoplanets through in-depth questioning. Also covered were introductions to learning about careers in astronomy from diversity champion, Karel Green (went to school locally), as well as careers in creative computing and innovative use of AI from diversity champion Jazmin Morris.



Deptford Green School

Click on images to enlarge.


I have learnt how AI works and how it learns to actually function.

I learnt...that you can be creative and scientific at the same time.

I AI learns how to identify things.

I learnt about space! I enjoyed it very much!



Beecroft Garden Primary School


I learnt that many questions cannot be answered about the universe.

I learnt different theories of space.

I learnt...that the universe has a start but maybe has an end.

I learnt that space, planets and stars can actually be fun to learn about.

I learnt...that space is way way way way way way way way way way way bigger than anyone could of ever imagined. I also learnt that my imagination is much bigger than I thought! (which is a good thing)



Turnham Academy


I learnt that...the biggest planet was 20 times the size of earth but it exploded into stars.

We learnt about making 3d sculptures like aliens and any kind of planet.

I never knew you could do 3D modelling on computer it was fun

I learnt that you can do many things on space games and very interesting. I also found out that all of this is related to science and I hope to find myself doing this in science soon.



St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


I learnt that art, technology and science do mix but in different ways. I also learnt how to sculpt.

I learnt that the sun is 5 billion years old.

I learnt how to use 3D in my work and I also learnt a lot about space.

I learnt what 3D modelling is and that there are more than one solar system.



From the showreel 'If we could create our own planet', 2023, shown at SPACE Lab.
Children's experiments using Sculpt GL: put together on the showreel by Finn Weaver (UAL Tech Yard).




      UAL Tech Yard staff (graduates) were funded by UAL Creative Computing Institute to be employed on this project.